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  • Writer's pictureGitanjali bhardwaj

How and from where should I get an ISO 45001 certification?

Obtaining ISO 45001 certification involves several steps and typically requires the assistance of a certification body or registrar accredited by an appropriate accreditation authority. Here's a general overview of the process:

Prepare for Certification:

Conduct internal audits and management reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of your OHSMS and identify areas for improvement.

Select a Certification Body:

Choose an accredited certification body to conduct the external audit and provide certification. Accreditation ensures the certification body's competence and impartiality. You can find accredited certification bodies through national accreditation bodies or organizations like the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

Request a Quotation:

Contact your chosen certification body and request a quotation for the certification process. The quotation should include details on the scope, duration, and cost of the certification audit.

Initial Certification Audit (Stage 1):

The certification process usually involves two stages. The initial audit, often called "Stage 1," is a document review. The auditors assess your organization's readiness for the full audit. They review your documentation, policies, and procedures to ensure they meet ISO 45001 requirements.

Full Certification Audit (Stage 2):

The second stage, the full certification audit, involves on-site assessment. Auditors verify that your OHSMS is effectively implemented and adheres to ISO 45001 standards. They interview employees, observe practices, and review records.

Audit Report and Findings:

The auditors provide a report detailing their findings. If non-conformities (areas of non-compliance) are identified, you'll need to address them and provide evidence of corrective actions taken.

Certification Decision:

The certification body reviews the audit findings, your corrective actions, and any other relevant information. If everything is in order and the OHSMS meets ISO 45001 requirements, they will grant certification.

Issuance of Certificate:

Upon successful certification, the certification body will issue an ISO 45001 certificate. This certificate is valid for a specific duration (e.g., three years) and is subject to surveillance audits during this period.

Surveillance Audits:

To maintain ISO 45001 certification, your organization will undergo periodic surveillance audits. These are usually conducted annually or as specified by the certification body. Auditors assess the continued effectiveness of your OHSMS and ensure compliance with ISO 45001.

Certificate Renewal:

After the initial certification period (e.g., three years), you will need to apply for renewal. This typically involves a reassessment audit to ensure that your OHSMS continues to meet ISO 45001 requirements.

It's essential to work closely with your chosen certification body throughout the certification process, addressing any non-conformities promptly and maintaining your OHSMS to uphold ISO 45001 standards.

Remember that the specific steps and requirements can vary depending on the certification body, so it's crucial to consult with your chosen certification body for their specific procedures and guidelines. Additionally, you may need to appoint an internal or external ISO 45001 consultant to assist with the certification process, especially if your organization is new to ISO standards.

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