Obtaining ISO 45001 certification cost involves several steps. Here's an overview of the process:
Determine the scope and objectives of certification: The first step is to determine the scope of the OHSMS ISO 45001 certification, which should reflect your organization's OHSMS (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) processes and procedures. The objectives of the certification should also be defined to ensure the success of the certification process.
Develop and implement the OHSMS: Develop and implement an OHSMS that meets the requirements of ISO 45001 standard. This includes identifying and assessing hazards, implementing controls, establishing procedures for incident reporting and investigation, and conducting internal audits.
Select a ISO certification body: Choose a certification body accredited by an internationally recognized accreditation body. The certification body will assess your OHSMS and provide certification if it meets the requirements of the standard.
Conduct a gap analysis: Before the certification audit, conduct a gap analysis to identify any areas where the OHSMS may not meet the requirements of the standard. Address any gaps before the certification audit.
Certification audit: The certification audit is a two-stage process. In stage 1, the certification body reviews your documentation and assesses the readiness of the OHSMS for the certification audit. In stage 2, the certification body conducts an on-site audit to assess the OHSMS in operation.
Corrective actions and certification: If non-conformities are identified during the audit, the certification body will require corrective actions to be taken. Once all non-conformities are addressed, the certification body will issue the ISO 45001 certificate.
Surveillance audits: After certification, the certification body will conduct regular surveillance audits to ensure the OHSMS continues to meet the requirements of the standard.
The length of time it takes to achieve ISO 45001 certification cost will depend on the complexity of your OHSMS and the resources available to develop and implement it. However, the process typically takes several months to a year.